
Our unique combination of expertise and a solid track record in running successful workshops and training, means we can deliver training solutions to meet the needs of your organisation.

Meeting Place Mental health training, Cultural capability training, worker Wellbeing Training


Cultural Awareness Program

Engage Meeting Place consultancy for your workplace Cultural awareness training. We will provide experienced trainers to deliver MP Consultancy’s unique cultural training program.

For more information send us an email, click the button below.

 Mental Health First Aid Training

MP Consultancy have qualified Mental Health First Aid trainers that can deliver MHFA training to your organisation. In recent years mental health is gaining more recognition and Mental Health First Aid training is a great way to build capacity within your organisation/community to support those with lived experience of mental Health Illness.

We specialise in delivering the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander MHFA 3.1, Aboriginal & Torre Strait Islander Youth MHFA, Suicide prevention & Non Suicidal Self Injury MHFA training

For more information send us an email, click the button below.

 Worker Wellbeing Training

 MP Consultancy offers a worker wellbeing training focusing on how we engage in self care to keep us strong and performing at our best in and out of the workplace. In todays fast paced life are you making that time for self care.

For more information send us an email, click the button below.

Deadly Thinking Youth

This program is a course offered by Rural & Remote mental health and delivered by MPC. This program is facilitated by a young trainer and an Older Trainer. Providing insight into ways our youth think covering topics such as Anxiety, depression, relationships and strong spirit within to name a few. 

For more information send us an email, click the button below.

Deadly Thinking Youth


Deadly Thinking Youth 〰️